800-295-0042 ext 206
Trailer Wiring Color Code
• Brown = running lights
• Yellow = driver side stop / turn
• Green = passenger side stop / turn
• White = ground
2. Sandwich the license plate mounting
bracket between the driver side lamp
and the driver side tail lamp bracket.
Attach the tail light using the nuts
provided with the lamp kit. Then mount
the passenger side lamp.
1. Attach the tail lamp brackets to
the frame as shown using 3/8” x 1”
carriage head bolts and nuts. No
washers are needed.
3. Use the holes just above the
spring bracket to mount the amber
side lamps. Put the stud through
through the forward hole and the
wire through the rearward hole.
Tuck the wire so the lamp sits
fl ush on the frame.
800-295-0042 ext 206
Trailer Wiring Color Code
•Brown = running lights
•Yellow = left turn / left brake
•Green = right turn / right brake
•White = ground
2. Sandwich the license plate mounting
bracket between the left side lamp and the
left side tail lamp bracket. Attach the tail
light using the nuts provided with the lamp
kit. Then mount the right side lamp.
1. Attach the tail lamp brackets to
the frame as shown using 3/8” x 1”
carriage head bolts and nuts. No
washers are needed.
3. Use the holes just above the
spring bracket to mount the amber
side lamps. Put the stud through
the forward hole and the wire
through the rear hole. Tuck the wire
so the lamp sits
ush on the frame.
Trailer Wiring Color Code
•Brown = running lights
•Yellow = left turn / left brake
•Green = right turn / right brake
•White = ground
2. Sandwich the license plate mounting
bracket between the left side lamp and the
left side tail lamp bracket. Bring the white
ground connector around and back over
lamp bolt. Attach/secure the tail light using
the nuts provided with the lamp kit. Then
mount the right side lamp.
3. Use the holes just above the spring
bracket to mount the amber side lamps.
Put the stud through the rear hole and
the wires through the front hole. Tuck
the wire so the lamp sits flush on the
frame. Attach the black ground
connector to lamp post and secure with
nuts provided if using an LED light.
800-295-0042 ext.215
Trailer Wiring Color Code
•Brown = running lights
•Yellow = left turn / left brake
•Green = right turn / right brake
•White = ground
1. First attach the tail lamp brackets to the frame as shown
using 3/8” x 1” carriage head bolts and nuts. No washers
are needed.
2. Mount the drivers side lamp to the lamp bracket. Attach/
secure the license plate holder to the backside of the lamp
bracket as shown. Secure tail light using the nuts provided
with the light kit. Then mount the passengers side tail light.
3. Use the holes just above the spring bracket to mount the
amber side lights. First, push the wire leads through the
outside holes and the lamp stud through the center hole.