Christian Maier GmbH & Co. KG
© 2020 by Christian Maier GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik | This document may not be copied or disclosed to third parties.
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Operating manual Series DP_en –Part-S- Version 9 – 27.05.2020
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Media specification
Approved media for the pressure pipe
Series DP … 06 may be used for water, compressed air and hydraulic oil, the series DP and DPN for water,
having the quality described below. Other media including additives (e.g. anticorrosion or antifreeze agents)
must be checked for compatibility with the sealing materials at the manufacturer's site.
Thermal oil must not be used under any circumstances since the elastomers used in the units are not
compatible with such media! Use only type DP … -800 rotary joints for thermal oil!
The quality of the Medium used plays a decisive role regarding the service life and reliability of Maier rotary
joints. It is strongly recommended that the media meets the specifications listed below. Inappropriate water
quality will result in heavy wear of the seals and premature failure of the rotary joint.
Section 1: Water at temperatures -10°C - 70°C
Row water:
drinking water quality
clear, no sediments
particle size 20 µm; max. 50µm
Water hardness: < 3,2 mmol/l
If required, add a suitable antifreeze agent and a silicate-free anticorrosion agent (ensure compatibility with
the materials used in the unit, check back with manufacturer, if necessary).
Section 2: Water at temperatures > 70°C
Row water:
drinking water quality
clear, no sediments
particle size 20 µm, max. 50µm
Water hardness: < 3,2 mmol/l
Low salt concentration according to VdTÜV- Guideline TCh 1466 "Guideline for Circulation Water in Hot Water
and Warm Water Heating Systems" ("Richtlinie für das Kreislaufwasser in Heißwasser – und
Warmwasserheizungsanlagen), sheet 1
If required, add a suitable antifreeze agent and a silicate-free anticorrosion agent (ensure compatibility with
the materials used in the unit, check back with manufacturer, if necessary).