Life-threatening injuries possible if vehicle breaks loose from fixing!
No persons shall be in the test room during vehicle testing! Danger!
Fix the test vehicle before each test at the rear and front onto the dyno with the proper (MAHA-)
vehicle fixing. Usage of a different fixing attachment can affect safety and cause personal injury.
MAHA accepts no liability for the resulting damage.
The vehicle must be fixed in such a way that the vehicle cannot laterally break away and that no
swinging movements are created!
Safeguard that the vehicle mass cannot be moved on the rollers!
Make sure that the vehicle fixing is suitable for the vehicle being tested.
Only skilled, trained personnel shall install the vehicle fixing.
Always install the vehicle fixing completely and properly and check its proper functioning before
test start.
Check the orderly condition and suitable rigidity of the vehicle’s attachment unit before every
vehicle fixing procedure (e.g. towing hooks, trailer coupling, towing attachment)!
Fasten the chains and straps to suitable points at the vehicle chassis or suspension.
If using tightening straps for anchoring pay close attention that the loose ends do not get close
to the tires or rollers. This is especially important when the fan is switched on!
Check the tightening straps for damage before each measurement.
Never start the test operation without suitable and complete vehicle fixing!
Visually check the vehicle for leakage: Fuel system, drive train, engine, water, exhaust.
Pos: 213 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1/ D/Überschrift 1.1: Drehz ahlaufnehmer anschließen @ 9\m od_1212061346833_ 75.d ocx @ 215792 @ 2 @ 1
Connect the RPM Sensor
Pos: 214 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Leis tungsmesstechnik/POWE RDYNO/052301 LPS 3000 R100/BA/Inhalt: 0523 Drehzahlaufnehmer anschließen @ 13\mod_ 1234341240848_ 75.docx @ 338207 @ @ 1
1 Connect the RPM sensor in the engine compartment. The procedure depends upon the type of
sensor. Please pay attention to the detailed description of the various RPM sensors in section
"Description / Interface Box"
Set the RPM sensor using the selection list in window "RPM Sensor" in the menu "RPM
2 Connect the RPM sensor to the interface box.
Other data sensors which may be needed during the test should be connected according to
the interface assignment plan for the interface box. Connect all needed sensors to the vehicle.
Use the menu "RPM Settings" to check whether all connected measurement sensors are
functioning correctly.
Automatic transmission vehicles without converter lockup cannot use the driving trial method, be-
cause the engine RPM deviates due to converter slip.
Pos: 215 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1