Appendix I - Bluetooth LE Module Control Data (Bluetooth LE Only)
DynaPro Mini| PIN Encryption Device | Programmer’s Manual (Commands)
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Changes made to this property will not take effect until the device is reset or power cycled.
Description: This property contains the value of Timeout Multiplier sent to the Bluetooth LE host in a
CONNECTION PARAMETER UPDATE REQUEST. See the core Bluetooth specification for more
details. Only values between 10 and 3200 are valid.
Example Get Property:
Request message (hex): 00 00 0B
Response message (hex): 01 00 F4 01 (500 (0x1F4) (5000 milliseconds))
Example Set Property:
Request message (hex): 00 01 0B F4 01 (500 (0x1F4) (5000 milliseconds))
Response message (hex): 01 00
Connection Parameter Update Request Control Property
Property ID: 0x0C
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: Yes
Non-Volatile: Yes. Changes made to this property will persist even if the device is powered off or reset.
This property should only be changed once during device configuration. Modifying this property too
many times will wear out flash memory.
Default value: 0x01 (send connection parameter update bit is set)
Description: This property is a one byte value that contains the connection parameter update control bits.
The connection parameter update control bits can be used to control various connection parameter update
features. The most signification bit of the byte is bit 7 and the least significant is bit 0. At this point bits
7-1 are reserved for future use and should always be set to 0.
Bit 0 is the send connection parameter update bit. When this bit is set the device will send a connection
parameter update request once after each Bluetooth LE connection.
Example Get property:
Request message (hex): 00 00 0C
Response message (hex): 01 00 01 (send connection parameter update bit is set)
Example Set property:
Request message (hex): 00 01 0C 01 (send connection parameter update bit is set)
Response message (hex): 01 00
Other Commands
Echo Command
This command echo’s the data received in the request message by transmitting the same data in the
response message.
Request message
Byte 0
0 (Request message type)
Byte 1
2 (Echo command identifier)
Byte 2-n
Data to echo
Response message