©2007 Magnum Energy Inc.
2.2.2 ME-BMK Sense Module connections
The sense module should now be mounted, refer to
gure 2-3 for reference
during the following steps:
1. Run the communications cable between the ME-BMK Sense Module and the
inverter/charger. This cable is a 2-wire, twisted-pair, telephony standard with
RJ11 connectors on each end. A standard telephone cable may be substituted
if the provided remote cable is not able to be used or needs to be longer.
Connect the Communications cable into the RJ11 “Magnum Net” port be-
side the green label (also referred to as the “Network” port) on the Magnum
inverter/charger (see
gure 2-1).
3. Unplug the 4-port terminal block from ME-BMK Sense Mode and ensure
the openings are unscrewed enough to allow the wires to be inserted.
4. Using the supplied
ve foot twisted-pair wire: 1) connect the blue wire
from the #1 terminal on the 4-port terminal block to the small screw on the
battery side of the shunt (negative shunt sense connection); 2) connect the
orange wire from the #2 terminal on the 4-port terminal block to the small
screw on the load side of the shunt (positive shunt sense connection).
Ensure these blue and orange wires stay twisted together up
to the shunt to maintain accuracy.
5. Connect a wire (black) from terminal #3 on the 4-port terminal block to
the negative terminal of the battery and connect a wire (red) with a 2-amp,
in-line fuse from terminal #4 on the 4-port terminal block to the positive
terminal of the battery.
To prevent damage, the black and red power wires must not
be connected to the input sense terminals (terminals #1 and #2).
6. When all the connections are made and checked, plug the 4-port terminal
block into the sense module and then close the DC circuit breaker (or DC
disconnect) to supply power to the inverter and sense module.
7. Immediately after applying DC power, the LED on the sense module should
come on as the unit goes through a power-up self-test. After the initial self-test
completes, the LED should be on green. If so, your battery monitor system
is now ready for set-up; if not, please refer to the troubleshooting section.
D C F us e
(2 am ps )
T o Battery
T o Battery
N egative
T o N etw ork Port
(on M agnum inverter)
T o sm all shunt screw
(battery side)
T o sm all shunt screw
(load side)
C om m unic ations C able
(2 -c onduc tor tw is ted pair;
a telephone -ty pe c able
m ay be s ubs tituted).
4-Port T erm inal Bloc k
(c an be rem ov ed, and
eac h port ac c epts
30 to 12 AW G w ire).
T erm inals:
1 2
T w is ted-pair c able
5 feet m ax im um
Figure 2-3, Sense Module Connections