When you turn on the receiver the PC display unit may indicate "Sats Visible 0, used O" (where the
number of satellites is a number from 1 to 12). Elevation and azimuth values will also be zero.
These are the correct displays until the receiver has acquired an almanac.
After the initial power-up, the receiver begins to collect a new almanac. This process takes 12
uninterrupted minutes of tracking time. This means that the receiver typically requires a total of 15
to 20 minutes, from the time it’s tumed on, to complete its collection of an almanac.
When the almanac has been acquired, the receiver stops tracking satellites briefly, while it conducts
a search of collected data and compiles a table of satellite rise time predictions. The receiver is able
to navigate (or calculate corrections) while making these calculations.
Your receiver will probably have already acquired an almanac. You can verify this by glancing at
the lower right comer of the menu that first appears on the screen. If the number beside "Sats
Visible" is not zero then you already have an almanac. The intemal battery has preserved this
information in memory from the time the unit was shipped from the factory.
If you have an almanac in your receiver, the unit will navigate (or calculate corrections) within 1 or
2 minutes of power up. Because the position shown on the screen maybe in Torrance, California,
the initial displayed positions may be wrong when using a Navigator.
Continue below with TEST PROCEDURE and then refer to one of the "Magnavox DGPS 12
Channel Operator’s Manuals” for a detailed description of the PC CDU program.