Hookup Diagrams
Hookup Diagrams > Singer-Songwriter / Busker
ShowBox is a great tool for singer-songwriters, buskers, full bands, karaoke enthusiasts, and much more!
In this example, our busking hero connects their trusty Mackie EM-89D dynamic microphone into the channel 1 XLR input
and guitar into the channel 2 input. From here, set up the channel 1 and 2 inputs as you see fit. This includes the gain/volume
levels, EQ settings, compressor level, FX (1 and 2), and more! If you have a 2-button footswitch, connect it to the footswitch
jack in order to turn FX on and off, as well as add loops. If you don’t have a footswitch, order the Mackie one (PN 2056472)!
As seen in the previous pages, there are a multitude of other features that may be utilized in all three of these hookup diagrams.
For example, the performance may be livestreamed via the USB-C connection and/or recorded directly to micro SD card.
A subwoofer (or additional ShowBox) may be connected to the mix out jack. Are guitar pedals being added to the mix?
If so, they can be routed via the external FX send and return jacks. A phone or tablet can be connected to ShowBox
via Bluetooth for playback [i.e. put it in PA mode and play tunes through it while setting up (and tearing down) equipment].
...and lest we forget, before beginning the performance, be sure to utilize the ShowBox’s tuner feature!