1/4" FX Send Jack [Pr and Pr]
This 1/4" TRS line-level output may be used to feed an external effects processor (FX), such as a nice sound effect
or delay unit. The output from this jack is an exact copy of what goes into the internal FX processor, being the careful
mix of all channels whose aux FX control is turned to more than minimum.
(The processed output of the internal FX does not come out of this output, but is added internally to the main mix
or monitor mix.)
The overall output level may be adjusted with the aux master FX knob. (This knob also affects the level going
into the internal FX.)
The output is “post-fader,” so any changes to the channel faders will also affect the level going to the external processor.
The processed output from the effects processor is usually returned to a spare channel, and you may carefully mix the original
unprocessed channel (dry) and the processed channel (wet). Altering the original channel fader increases both the wet and dry
signals and keeps them at the same delicate ratio. For example, the reverb remains at the same level relative to the original.
1/4" Mon Send Jack [Pr]
Stage monitors allow the talented musicians in the band to hear themselves clearly on stage. This can be a good thing!
The monitor mix may be carefully adjusted in level using the aux mon controls. These tap a portion of each channel’s signal
to provide a 1/4" TRS output here to feed external stage monitors. These could either be passive stage monitors powered
by an external amplifier, or powered stage monitors with their own built-in amplifier.
The monitor signal is the sum (mix) of all the channels whose aux mon control is set to more than minimum. If they want
“more me and less Brian,” you may turn up their channel’s aux mon control, and turn down Brian’s.
The overall output level may be adjusted with the aux master mon knob. Additionally, you could add an external graphic EQ
between this output and your powered monitors. This will allow you to adjust the EQ, and minimize the chance of feedback
from nearby microphones.
The monitor output is not affected by the main mix fader or the channel faders. This allows you to set up the monitor mix and
level just right, and not have it change when a channel fader or the main mix fader is adjusted. This is known as “pre-fader.”
1/4" Sub Out Jacks [Pr]
These 1/4" jacks are usually patched to the inputs of a multitrack deck or to secondary amplifiers
in a complex installation.