drives, control settings will not move with the original devices and may create unexpected motion.
An axis is added to the network by plugging an EtherCAT cable from the out port of one node to the in port of the new
servo node. Adding or removing items from the network will break the communication stream and cause the network
to regenerate. While the network is regenerating, the machine cannot be enabled and config cannot be accessed.
The motors are labeled starting at zero. The first motor is the first motor on the network and sequentially added from
there. All motors must be enabled before they can be assigned to an axis. See the
section for using a
servo as a spindle.
1. On the menu bar, click Configure -> Control, then select the Motors tab.
2. Enable all the motors that are to be controlled as axes by checking the respective boxes in the right pane.
3. Press Apply to save any changes.
All configuration must be done while the machine is disabled.
Axis Configuration
Connecting Axes
Enabling Axes
This may already be setup on your system.