The grind wheel on centerless machines can be controlled as a VFD or a servo spindle.
1. On the menu bar, click Configure -> Control, then select the Input Signals tab.
to the relevant At Speed input on your device. The specific name will vary based on the
device you are using.
3. Select the Output Signals tab.
to the relevant Forward output on your device. The specific name will vary based on the
device you are using.
5. Press Apply to save any changes and OK to close the configuration window.
6. On the menu bar, click Configure -> Plugins -> MachMotion, then select the Parameters tab.
7. Go to the Grind Wheel (1) section.
8. Set the Grind Wheel Enabled parameter to Yes.
9. Set the Grind Wheel Input parameter to the input signal that has the At Speed input mapped to it.
1. Double-click the value field to open a selector window.
2. Select Input Signal for the type field.
3. Select the mapped signal for the second field. It will show the user description if one was added.
4. Click OK to save your setting.
10. Set the parameters for Grind Wheel Max Speed Range 0, Grind Wheel Max Speed Range 1, and Grind
Wheel Max Speed Range 2 appropriately for your machine.
11. Set the Grind Wheel Output Speed Mode parameter to RPM.
12. Set the Grind Wheel Output parameter to the output signal that has the Forward output mapped to it.
1. Double-click the value field to open a selector window.
2. Select Output Signal for the type field.
3. Select the mapped signal for the second field. It will show the user description if one was added.
4. Click OK to save your setting.
13. Set the Grind Wheel Bearing Limit parameter appropriately for the machine mechanics.
14. Set the Grind Wheel Speed Register parameter.
1. Double-click the value field to open a selector window.
2. Select Register for the type field.
3. Select the name of your device for the second field.
4. Select the relevant commanded speed option for the third field.
5. Click OK to save your setting.
15. Click Save to save your settings and close the window.
Centerless Grinder - Grind Wheel