2.6.1 PLaybaCk OPeraTION
There are various search modes: video type, channel number or time. The system can max
display 128 files in one screen. You can use page up/down button to view if there is more
than one page.
Select the file name and double click mouse (or click enter button), to view file content. Playback Mode
There are two playback modes: 4-ch and all-channel. In 4-ch playback mode, you can select
the 1/2/3/4-ch playback according to your requirement. In all-channel mode, the system can
playback in full channels. Please note the 4-ch has no all-channel playback mode.
2.6.2 TIMe SPeCIFIC PLaybaCk
Input time (h/m/s) in the time column and then click playback button, system can operate
time specific playback.
2.6.3 SyNCHrONIZed PLaybaCk FuNCTION WHeN PLaybaCk
During the playback process, click the numeral key, the system will switch to the video
channel corresponding to the same time.
2.6.4 dIgITaL ZOOM
When the system is in full-screen playback mode, drag your mouse on the screen to select a
section and then left click mouse to activate the digital zoom. Right click mouse to exit.
2.6.5 FILe baCkuP aNd CLIP
System supports backup operation during search. Select a √ in front of the file name
(multiple choices), click the backup button (Button 14 in Figure 2-13).
2.6.6 CaLeNdar
Click the calendar icon in Figure 2-13. The system pops up a calendar for your
The highlighted date means there are record files on that day. You can click the blue date to
view the file list. In the following interface you can see there are video files in 13th June and
14th June. Double click the date to view file list.
Figure 2-14
There are two alarm input types for you to select: normal open (NO) and normal close (NC).
1.7.1 aLarM INPuT aNd OuTPuT deTaILS
Refer to the following table and Figure 1-4 for alarm input and output information
Figure 1-4
In the first line, from the left to the right,:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16
ALARM 1 to ALARM 16. The alarm
becomes active in low voltage.
In the second line, from the left to the right:
NO1 C1,
NO2 C2,
NO3 C3,
NO4 C4,
NO5 C5 NC5
The first four are four groups of normal
open activation output (on/off button)
NO5 C5 NC5 is a group of NO/NC
activation output (on/off button)
Control power output. You need to close the
device power to cancel the alarm.
It is external power input. Need the
peripheral equipment to p12V
power (below 1A).
Ground cable
485 A/B
485 communication port. They are used
to control devices such as PTZ. Please
parallel connect 120TΩ between A/B cables
if there are too many PTZ decoders.