2.5.1 SNaPSHOT Schedule Snapshot
In the Encode interface, click the snapshot button to input snapshot mode, size, quality
and frequency.
In the General interface please input upload interval.
In the Schedule interface, please enable snapshot function.
Please refer to the following figure for detail information. See Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8 Snapshot activation
Please follow the steps listed below to enable activation of the snapshot function. After you
enabled this function the system can snapshot when the corresponding alarm occurs.
• In the Encode interface, click the snapshot button to input snapshot mode, size, quality
and frequency.
• In the General interface please input upload interval.
• In the Detect interface please enable the snapshot function for specified channels, or
in the Alarm interface please enable snapshot function for specified channels.
Please refer to the following figure for detail information. See Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9
2.1.4 auTO reSuMe aFTer POWer FaILure
The system can automatically backup video and resume previous working status after power
LIve vIeWINg
After logging in, the system is in live viewing mode by default. You can see system date, time
and channel name. If you want to change system date and time, you can refer to general
settings (Main Menu->Setting->General). If you want to modify the channel name, please
refer to the display settings (Main Menu->Setting->Display).
Figure 2-1
Note: You need to have appropriate rights to implement the following operations. Please
make sure the HDDs have been properly installed.
After the system booted up, it is in the default 24-hour regular mode. You can set record type
and time in the schedule interface.
In the main menu, from Setting to Schedule, you can go to schedule menu. See Figure 2-5.
There are a total of six periods.
• Channel: Please select the channel number first. You can select “all” if you want to set
for all channels.
• Week day: There are eight options: which range from Saturday to Sunday and All.
• Pre-record: System can pre-record the video before the event is placed into the file.
The value ranges from 1 to 30 seconds depending on the bit stream.
• Redundancy: System supports redundancy backup function. You can check the
Redundancy button to activate this function. Please note, before enabling this
function, please set at least one HDD as redundant. (Main menu->Advanced->HDD
• Snapshot: You can enable this function to snapshot an image when an alarm occurs.
• Record types: There are three types: regular, motion detection (MD) and Alarm.
Recording status
Video loss
Motion detection
Monitor lock