3 Web OPeraTION
Slightly difference may be found in the interface due to different series.
Before web operation, please check the following items:
• Network connection is set up correctly
• DVR and PC network setup is correct. Please refer to network setup
(main menu->setting->network)
• Use order ping ***.***.***.***(* DVR IP address) to check connection is OK or not.
Usually the return TTL value should be less than 255.
• System can automatically download latest web control and the new version can
overwrite the previous one.
• If you want to un-install the web controls, please run uninstall webrec2.0.bat to auto
delete the control or you can go to C:\Program Files\webrec to delete Single folder.
Open IE and input DVR address in the address column. For example, if your DVR IP
address is, then please input http:// in IE address column.
System pops up warning information to ask you whether install webrec.cab control or not.
Please click yes button.
If you can’t download the ActiveX file, please modify your IE security setup.
After installation, the interface is as shown below. See Figure 3-1.
Input your user name and password.
Default factory name is admin and password is admin.
Note: For security reasons, please modify your password after you first login.
Figure 3-1
Thank you for purchasing a MacePro Series Digital Video Recorder. This quick start guide
will help you become familiar with our DVR in a very short time.
This guide contains information on hardware installation, cable connection and general
operations such as system setup, record, search, backup, alarm setup, PTZ operation, as
well as web operation instructions.
Before installation and operation, please read the following safeguards and warnings
IMPOrTaNT SaFeguard aNd WarNINg
1) eLeCTrICaL SaFeTy
All installation and operation here should conform to your local electrical safety codes.
We assume no liability or responsibility for all the fires or electrical shock caused by
improper handling or installation.
Heavy stress, violent vibration or water splash are not allowed during transportation,
storage and installation.
Keep upwards. Handle with care.
Do not apply power to the DVR before completing installation.
Do not place objects on the DVR
4) QuaLIFIed ServICe PerSONNeL Needed
All the examination and repair work should be done by the qualified service engineers.
We are not liable for any problems caused by unauthorized modifications or attempted
5) eNvIrONMeNT
The DVR should be installed in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, inflammable,
explosive substances and etc.
6). aCCeSSOrIeS
Be sure to use all the accessories recommended by manufacturer.
Before installation, please open the package and check all the components are included:
Contact your local retailer ASAP if something is missing in your package.