Description and Function
To create a new delegate data, please click this icon, input all necessary information in the
text box and then save it
Delete the selected delegate data
Delete all delegate data
Move up the selected delegate data ( change the S/N)
Move down the selected delegate data ( change the S/N)
Load the delegate data from computer. Operator can create a file named “ delegate data” in
xls format and input all delegate data first, then load the data when prepare the meeting.
Save all delegate data to computer in xls format
Load/update delegate’s photo ( photo must in bmp format)
To modify the selected delegate data
Operator can set/edit display template for “Conference Heading - Conference Proposal - Last speaking
Name - Current Speaking Name - Request Name”, the Sub-screen will display the Corresponding
information according to the setting.
Text Label:
Operator can create/edit text label for the display and input the necessary information in “Text
Setting - Content” text box to update the display.
Data Label
: Operate can create a data label and select the option data from the software to display on the