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Q: When Repeater Discovery occurs, do the Repeaters need to be in the intended final location within a home?
No, if you’e Discovering Repeaters they do not have to be in the intended final location . However, the installer does
need to ensure Repeaters are placed in a final location that ensures optimal PowerView® Network coverage .
Q: Is there a limit to how many Repeaters can be used in a single PowerView® project?
The most Repeaters that may be on a single PowerView® project is 6 Repeaters .
Q: Once the repeaters are Discovered can they be named?
Yes, Repeaters can be named from the menu in the PowerView® App under Accessories .
Q: When repeaters are discovered where do they appear in the PowerView® App?
Repeaters will appear in the Repeater Room in the Rooms tab as well as the menu under Accessories .
Q: Where in the PowerView® App may I customize the color of the Repeater LED?
The Repeater LED can be customized from the Repeater Room in the Rooms tab .
PowerView® Scene Controller
Q: What is the PowerView® Scene Controller?
The PowerView® Scene Controller works in conjunction with the PowerView® Hub to quickly navigate and activate
a personalized list of Scenes (created in the PowerView® App) directly from the hand-held Pebble® or wall-mounted
Surface . PowerView® Scene Controllers require a PowerView® Hub .
Q: What do the Favorite buttons on the PowerView® Scene Controller do?
The PowerView® Scene Controller comes with two favorite buttons . Scenes can be assigned to each favorite button
for one press activation .
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)