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PowerView® App
Q: What devices are compatible with the PowerView® App?
The PowerView® App is compatible on Android™ (running version 4 .4 and newer) and Apple® (running version 9 .0
and newer) mobile devices .
Q: Do I need an Internet connection to set up the PowerView® App to control my window treatments?
No, an Internet connection is not necessary . A home router, however, is required to set up the PowerView® Hub and
App via WiFi .
Q: What is RemoteConnect™?
RemoteConnect is a standard feature of the PowerView® account that allows users to control their window
treatments from outside of the home using data or a Wi-fi connection . To use RemoteConnect open the PowerView®
App, create a PowerView® account, then register the Hub .
Q: What is a Room in the PowerView® App?
Rooms allow for custom organization and arrangement of PowerView® shades discovered by the PowerView® App .
Once a shade has been discovered in the PowerView® App, it can be assigned to a Room . Within a Room, users can
control individual shades or groups of the same shade type by using the product specific slider .
Q: What is a Scene in the PowerView® App?
A Scene is used to operate a single shade or multiple shades assigned to a Room . Shades in a Scene can be
programmed to a pre-set position within the window (ex . vanes open or shade fully raised) so that anytime the
Scene is activated, the shades will move to their pre-set positions . For example, a Scene called “Goodnight” can be
created in which all of the shades in a particular Room move to the closed position when that Scene is activated .
Q: What is a Multi-Room Scene in the PowerView® App?
A Multi-Room Scene is a single Scene that contains multiple Rooms of shades . Activating a Multi-Room Scene will
trigger the operation of shades in the Rooms assigned to this Multi-Room Scene .
Q: What is an Automation in the PowerView® App?
An Automation is timed, automatic activation of selected Scenes and Multi-Room Scenes . Users can set a custom
schedule for any Automation they create . Once an Automation is set, the user is not required to manually activate it .
Q: Will Automations work even if my mobile device is not at home?
Yes, Automations will continue to operate shades at the set time(s) of day even if the wireless device is not in the
home . All scheduling data is stored in the PowerView® Hub .
Q: Do Autmoations automatically change for Daylight Savings Time?
Yes, Automations update automatically for Daylight Savings Time .
Q: Are there any service fees associated with App features?
Luxaflex® does not charge any additional fees for App updates . For features that use your mobile wireless network,
check with your carrier for data rate charges that may apply .
Q: What Wi-fi routers work best with the PowerView® Hub?
The PowerView® Hub is designed to work with consumer-grade Wi-fi routers . However, security settings or special
configurations may affect communication with the Hub .
Q. Can I reset or adjust the limits on my PowerView® window covering using the App?
To reset or adjust a window covering’s upper and lower limits using the App, go to the shade information screen in the
App for the shade in question . Then, select Show Advanced Options and choose Calibrate Shade to clear and reset the
upper and lower limits . The shade will run fully up and down .
Do not
interrupt this process .
Q. I have to replace a PowerView® window covering with a brand new one. Will it still remain in the App even
after I’ve replaced it?
If a PowerView® window covering needs to be replaced, it will be necessary to delete it from the App using the Delete
Shade command found under the Show Advanced Options in the Shade Information screen . Deleting a window
covering using this command purges the Hub of that window treatment’s data . If the replaced window covering is not
deleted, then the App will continue to show that window covering in the various Room(s) and Scene(s) to which it was
assigned . After the new window covering is installed, Discover it and assign it, as desired, to the appropriate Room(s)
and Scene(s) .
PowerView® Hub
Q: What WiFi routers work best with the PowerView
The Powerview® Hub is designed to work with consumer-grade Wi-fi routers . However, security settings or special
configurations may affect communication with the Hub .
Q: Are Hub firmware updates sent to Secondary hubs the same time the update is sent to the Primary Hub?
Hub firmware updates are automatically pushed to Secondary Hubs from the Primary Hub .
Q: Can I change the WiFi network my PowerView
Hub is connected to?
Yes! The option to forget the current Wi-Fi network the PowerView® Hub is connected to can be found in the Hub
menu of the PowerView® App . Once the current Wi-Fi network is forgotten, the Hub can be connected to a new
network .
PowerView® Repeaters
Q: Will PowerView® Repeater firmware update the same time PowerView® Hub firmware does?
Repeater firmware will update if a firmware update is pushed from the PowerView® server .
Q: What does the repeater look like while it is receiving a firmware update?
During an update, the repeater Led will flash blue no matter what the custom color has been selected for the
repeater . Once the firmware update has been completed the repeater will return to the users selected color .
Q: Can Repeaters be used with PowerView® Projects that are remote only?
Yes! Repeaters can be paired to a PowerView® Remote created PowerView® Network . The Repeater’s LED will be
turned off by default but will still flash blue when repeating PowerView® commands .
Q: How are PowerView® Repeaters placed into the PowerView® App?
PowerView® Repeaters are placed into the PowerView® App through the Discovery process . During the Discovery
process, a Repeater will be paired to the PowerView® Network . Once Discovered, Repeaters will appear in the
Repeater Room in the Rooms tab .
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)