To change the settings for a group, click on the Edit groups option.
With the group selected you can:
Change the name for ease of identification.
Set the VLAN ID (default is group number x 100).
Enable/disable IGMP Snooping (default is ENABLED).
Enable/disable IGMP Querier (default is ENABLED).
Enable/disable IGMP unknown flooding (default is DISABLED).
Set a IGMP Querier IP address (by default the querier IP is an automatic calculated IP.
10.x.y.z Based on the model (x = speed) and the IP address (y.z) of the switch).
Once all the settings are correct, click
to confirm the changes.
To Add or Edit a trunk, click the Edit trunks option.
To Add a custom trunk:
Click the
to add a trunk.
Enter a trunk ID.
Give the new trunk a name in the name field.
Assign a colour to the trunk by clicking on the coloured square. After selecting the colour, click
anywhere outside the colour picker window to close it.
Click on all the groups/VLANs you wish to include in this trunk.
If needed, use the drop-down menu for Untagged to select which group should be untagged on the
trunk. An untagged port connects to hosts. The host is unaware of any VLAN configuration.
Once all the settings are correct, click
to confirm the changes. Your custom trunk is now available in
the Assign groups tab to be assigned to ports.
If you wish to change the trunk ID, you can use the Move button to assign a new trunk ID.
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