Fig.26. Example operation of
type conditional archiving
configured according to the example from table 22
(Archiving 1 means that archiving is switched on).
5. .4. Memory card or internal file system memory option
P30U transducers in P30U-X1XXXXXX manufacturing
variants support memory cards are compliant with SD and SDHC
standard. P30U transducers in P30U-X2XXXXXX manufacturing
variants are equipped with a internal file system memory – 8GB memory
capacity. FAT and FAT32 file systems are supported. If the memory
card is not formatted, it should be formatted in the card reader using
a PC. P30U transducer creates folders and files during operation,
containing archive data. Before inserting the card into the transducer,
check if the card write protection option is not switched on.
Do not remove the memory card from the transducer before it is un-