After switching median filter on with number of samples 5
(sample rate 80 ms) 5 subsequent samples will be sorted and only
median sample will be treated as measured value (sample no 3 after sor-
ting). After sorting Xn values are as follows: 10.004, 10.0055, 10.0055,
10.0065, 10.025.
Fig.11. Median filter operation sorted samples
Value X
10.0055V will be treated as a result of median operation
in this example. Average value after switching the median filter on will
also have value X
10.0055V. The highest value of perturbations on
measured signals the highest number of median samples should be
applied from range 1...50. If number of median samples is set to 1”
median operation is switch off. If an even number of samples is cho-
sen, average of two median values will be given as a result of median