we should set the value “8002” in the menu of the parameter
or enter the value “8002” into
the register 4024.
In order to make the transducer RS-485 interface work again
in the Slave mode, one should select proper mode in menu RS-485
Mbus 485
. Median filter
Median filter function on measured value is implemented
in Transducer P30U. This function enables to filter input signal from influ-
ence of perturbances on input signal. Parameter
specifies number of samples from which signal will be filtered - number
of samples determines filtering period. For example, if transducer is con-
figured for measuring voltage from 0...10 V range (sample rate 80 ms) ,
median function is off and sequential measured samples are: 10.0065,
10.0055, 10.025, 10.004, 10.0055, then the output value will be unstable
and average value will have value 10.0093. Average value does not
describe the real level of considered signal what is shown on fig. 10.
Fig.10. Exemplary signal samples unsorted