5.1 . 1 1 -BASE-T Ethernet interface
P30U transducers in P30U-X2XXXXXX manufacturing
variant are equipped with an Ethernet interface enabling connection
of the transducer (using RJ45 socket) to the local or global network
(LAN or WAN) and using network services implemented in the trans-
ducer: WWW server, FTP server, TCP/IP Modbus slave. To use
transducer’s network services, configure parameters in Ethernet trans-
ducer group. Standard transducer Ethernet parameters have been
shown in table 17. Transducer’s IP address is the basic parameter –
by default – which must be unique within the network
that the device is being connected to. The IP Address can be assigned
to the transducer automatically by the DHCP server in the network,
if the address downloading via DHCP option is switched on:
. If the DHCP service is switched off, the transducer
will operate with the default IP address enabling the user to change
the IP address e.g. via transducer menu. Each transducer Ethernet
parameter change requires accepting parameter changes, e.g. in menu
or by entering “1” in register 4099.
After accepting changes, the Ethernet interface will be reinitiated accor-
ding to new parameters – all Ethernet interface services will be restar-
5.1 .1. Connecting 1 1 -BASE-T Ethernet interface
To obtain access to Ethernet services, it is required to connect
the transducer to the network via RJ45 socket located in the front
section of the transducer, operating according to TCP/IP protocol.
Fig.30. View and pin order of transducer RJ45 socket