can be moved from one device to another using the FTP protocol.
In case of P30U-X1XXXXXX manufacturing variants, a single external
memory card can be used to transfer configuration to multiple transdu-
cers equipped with external SD card slots.
To force parameter update from file, switch on the transducer
while pressing
key. If the configuration file contains appropria-
te data and the new configuration is accepted, the following message
will be displayed on the transducer display:
Fig.22. Message confirming successful readout transducer
configuration from file.
If the parameter update from file is forced and a proper file is missing
or existing file contains corrupted data (at least one corrupted
parameter), the current configuration will be maintained and the follo-
wing message will be displayed:
Fig.23. Message informing about an unsuccessful readout
transducer configuration file.
5. . Default settings
Default P30U transducer settings have been provided
in table 17. These settings can be restored using transducer menu by se-
Settings Service
or via RS-485
interface by entering “1” in register 4055.