Model 2363
Technical Manual
Section 7
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
Page 7-8
January 2015
Model 2363 Interface Software
The Model 2363 Interface Software has a user-friendly interface that allows
the user to communicate with the Model 2363. The Model 2363 Interface
features include Load Defaults and Auto Dump Mode Display. When the
program is started, it searches for a Model 2363 attached to any valid serial
com port. Once found, it will download all data from the Model 2363, which
includes Headers and Logged Data. The user is able to change any parameter
and update the Model 2363, make hard copies, or save data to an ASCII file
for later import in word processors, spreadsheets, or other applications.
Version 1.4.4 and higher support the 2363-4 (39063n14 firmware) which has
a decimal place for the calibration constants.
The Model 2363 Interface program has three main functions:
1. Allows user to read or update the header information stored in
the Model 2363
2. Allows user to read, save or delete the logged data stored in the
Model 2363
3. Allows the user to collect and save real-time data at specified
intervals of time.
Main Screen
Form 1: Model 2363 Scaler/Rate meter Data
]—Each parameter has a “Set” button that when clicked will store the
parameter into the Model 2363.
Auto Dump
]—allows for real-time data logging from the Model 2363.
Clear Log Data
]—The user will be prompted to clear the data in the
Model 2363.
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