Model 2363
Technical Manual
Section 1
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
Page 1-1
January 2015
he Ludlum Model 2363 Gamma/Neutron Survey Meter is an easy-
to-use survey instrument capable of measuring both neutron and
gamma radiation levels simultaneously, incorporating both analog
and digital displays for maximum versatility. This instrument logs up
to 1000 data points in non-volatile memory and consists of sample number,
date/time stamp, ratemeter measurements (both neutron and gamma),
integrated dose, and location identifier (10 characters).
The Model 2363 contains an internal energy-compensated GM (Geiger-
Mueller) detector for gamma measurements and is normally sold with an
external Model 42-41 PRESCILA detector for use in neutron measurements.
This instrument incorporates a long arc-length analog meter face, which
normally displays exposure rates from 0 to 10 mrem/hr. The instrument’s
digital display is a full six-digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with an arrow
symbol for counting overflow. The display is direct-driven for optimal viewing
and wide temperature response.
The Model 2363 range selector switch allows for multiplication ranges of
×0.1, ×1, ×10, and ×100, and a front-panel three-position toggle switch is
used for selecting display of neutron, gamma, or n gamma levels.
Neutron and gamma pulses are allotted different audible tones for ease of user
discrimination. A two-position, momentary-action switch allows either an
analog meter reset or display of the current integrated dose rate on the LCD.
The following alarms may be set via the RS-232 port:
Neutron Rate meter (0-9999.99 mrem/hr)
Gamma Rate meter (0-9999.99 mrem/hr)