MAX TNT Hardware Installation Guide
About This Guide
What is in this guide
This guide describes how to install your MAX TNT® unit. It also explains how to install
cards. After you have finished reading this guide, you can go on to the APX 8000/MAX TNT
Physical Interface Configuration Guide to configure your unit. If you experience problems
with your unit, or need to perform maintenance on it, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT
Administration Guide.
This manual describes the full set of features for the MAX TNT unit running True
Access™ Operating System (TAOS) software version 8.0.2 or later. Some features might not
be available with earlier versions or specialty loads of the software.
Before installing your MAX TNT unit, be sure to read the safety instructions in the
Edge Access Safety and Compliance Guide. For information specific to your unit, see
Appendix C, “Safety-Related Electrical, Physical, and Environmental Information,” in this
hardware installation guide.
What you should know
This guide is for the person who configures and maintains a MAX TNT unit. To configure a
unit, you need to understand the following:
Internet or telecommuting concepts
Wide Area Network (WAN) concepts
Local Area Network (LAN) concepts, if applicable