MAX TNT Hardware Installation Guide
Preparing for Installation
Before installing your MAX TNT unit, read the relevant materials and make sure that a PC
with the necessary software is available. Check the contents of your MAX TNT package, and
select an appropriate installation site. Make sure that you have the required tools and
equipment. Also familiarize yourself with the back panel.
Before you begin
Before installing your MAX TNT unit, be sure to read the safety instructions in the
Edge Access Safety and Compliance Guide. Also read Appendix C, “Safety-Related Electrical,
Physical, and Environmental Information.” in this hardware installation guide for information
specific to your product.
Before you install a MAX TNT unit, make sure you have the following:
A suitable location with adequate power.
At least one active T1 or E1 line set up for bidirectional calling. (Bidirectional calling
enables you to test the unit hardware by having the MAX TNT unit dial out on one
channel and answer on another channel.)
A local PC or workstation with VT100 ASCII terminal-emulation software (You must
assign an IP address through a connection to the serial port of the MAX TNT unit. Later,
you can use Telnet to configure the system.) The PC or workstation must be set to the
following values:
Direct connection
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No flow control