Lucent Technologies Galaxy Power System 4804AP H569-450
11 - 14 Installation
Issue 1 June 2000
Addition of Second Rectifier Shelf at Site, continued
Mounting Second Rectifier Shelf, continued
Step Action
Terminate the cables to the bus bar in the AC panel and the
miniature circuit breakers as follows
All Black Cables: Neutral Bus Bar
Red Cable: Breaker 5 output
Yellow Cable (No ferrule): Breaker 6 output
Blue Cable: Breaker 7 output
Yellow Cable (Ferrule Number 4): Breaker 8 output
Connect the controller interface cable to the in line
connector JK 555052-2 (407671163) on the bottom rectifier
Ensure that all the cable terminations are secure and
properly terminated.
Stick the rectifier number labels starting from left to right,
as shown in Figure 11-7.
Figure 11-7: Rectifier Position and Numbering Scheme