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3. The jumper positions shown as blue rectangles correspond to the following primary
power supply options:
J19: PWR SOURCE: The input + 5VDC primary supply voltage for the
interface circuit power supplies and board-derived module power supplies
can be selected from 3 different sources.
PWR: Apply + 5 VDC to J7 (5V IN).
WL: Connect to USB + 5 VDC pin, voltage sourced from WLAN USB
port (J5).
WL: Connect to USB + 5 VDC pin, voltage sourced from BT USB port
J8: VIO SOURCE: The input + 1.8VDC primary supply for the digital
interface circuitry on the module, can be supplied externally (TM1) or from
a regulated 1.8 VDC supply on the board (derived from + 5 VDC input
voltage [USB or external].
BOARD: Route board-derived 1.8 VDC power supply to module VIO
EXT: Supply 1.8 VDC power supply to module VIO from external
power supply, e.g. lab supply.
J9: VBAT SOURCE: The input + 3.6VDC primary supply for the main
analog suppl on the module, can be supplied externally (TM2) or from a
regulated 3.3 VDC supply on the board (derived from + 5 VDC input
voltage [USB or external].
BOARD: Route board-derived 3.6 VDC power supply to module
VBAT input.
EXT: Supply 3. 6 VDC (nominal) power supply to module VBAT from
external power supply, e.g. lab supply.