Chapter 4. Data Communication Protocol of the CANopen
The value of S represents the MNT state of the Slave;
-. 4: Stopped
-. 5: Operational
-. 127:Pre-operational
The upper ‘r’ is the reservation bit which is always zero.
The IG5A CANopen informs the Consumer of the current MNT State at
the time intervals set up with the Producer. Therefore, in general, the
Master is the Consumer.
4.3.3 CANopen EDS File
This file contains the parameter data of the inverter, which is used to
control the parameters of the SV-iG5A via the CANopen Manager
software program. To do this, you need to install the EDS file for the iG5A
provided by the LS Industrial System in your PC.
-. The EDS file can be downloaded from the Webpage of LS
Industrial System
-. EDS file name: LSIS_IG5A_CANOPENxx.EDS
LSIS_IG5A_CANOPENxx.EDS should be copied into the folder where
the EDS file is stored in the Master Configuration program.