LPKF ProtoMat 93s Manual
7.6 Contour milling in PCB material
Contour cutter (top) and two-edged cutter (bottom)
The speed of movement has to be lowered for contour milling. This may differ
from material to material. Only use special contour milling cutters (32 mm or 1.5
inch long): if possible 1 or 2 mm.
The 1 mm contour milling cutter should only be used for internal holes (smaller
internal radius). It breaks relatively easily so set the feed speed to minimum
(2mm/sec. or 0.1 inch/sec).
The 2 mm contour milling cutter is substantially more robust, but does not remove
as much material as the 3 mm milling cutter. Many LPKF software postprocessors
are calculated for the 2 mm milling cutter (e.g. CUTTING).
With contour milling using a 3 mm milling cutter, a large quantity of material is
removed. Moreover, the high-speed spindle can be overloaded if the speed of
movement is too fast.
Caution! All speed ranges and feed rates given in BoardMaster refer to FR4
material. When other material is used, it is advised to work with reduced feed
rates at first.
Attention! Take into consideration that cancerogenous dusts (due to glass
fibers) might be produced when FR4 material is machined. Therefore always
work with the dust exhaustor switched on. Always use the superfine filter.
Attention! When machining some materials (e.g. teflon) hazardous gases
might be produced!