LPKF ProtoMat 93s Manual
3.9 Checking and correcting the HOME position
1. Make alignment holes in double-sided base material.
2. Fix the material and the drilling base (2 mm) on the base plate with the help of
the alignment pins (see too the section on fixing the PCB on the machine bed).
3. Drill a hole at the HOME position with a 0.7 mm drill.
4. Move the mill/drill head to the PAUSE position.
5. Turn the PCB material around the X axis.
6. Move to the HOME position, move to the tool change position and insert a
universal milling cutter. When the tool has been changed, the mill/drill head
automatically returns to the HOME position.
7. Mill a channel over the hole manually in the X direction, without moving in the
Y direction.
8. Check visually that the milled channel passes precisely through the center
point of the hole.
9. If the milled line does not run exactly through the center point, the HOME
position must be corrected by half the difference. This can be done directly by
changing the home position in
Machine Settings..
dialog box.
10. After making a correction, the movement should be repeated as a check.
4 The LPKF ProtoMat 93s operating displays
POWER (green):
control operating display. This only comes on when the
system has been initialized (limit switch reached).