Knowledge is Power
Fan Cooled Hopper
The entire line of LG Series Grills utilize the exact same hopper component parts.
To increase the life of your grill and its main working component parts the Combustion /
Cooling fan is used to perform 3 main functions:
Pressurize the internal hopper compartment to cool the wiring, electrical
component parts and the wood pellets.
Forces constant air movement between the hopper and the grill barrel wall.
Because of higher temperatures needed for searing and because of the longer
length of time a pellet grill can operate, such as slow smoking a whole hog, air
movement is used to provide an air barrier between the two surfaces.
Ensure the air slots found on the front and back of the hopper do not get
blocked off, at any time.
To provide combustion air, allowing the pellet fuel to burn properly. The fan
forced air is then used to provide “Convection Cooking” within the smoking grill.
Powder Coat Finish
Louisiana Grills uses a “High Heat Powder Coat” finish throughout the entire line of the
smokers. This High Heat finish is rated for 1000°F. This is done to allow for easy and
trouble free maintenance, and adding to the life of your smoking grill. Powder coating
is environmentally friendly and produces an excellence and superiority of finish that
customers count on. Maintaining the initial appearance of a powder coating is a simple
matter. If the finish does scratch, or needs to be “freshened- up” it is important to use a
touch-up paint ( High Heat BBQ) to repair it as soon as possible.
(see maintenance for further detail)
Grease Drawer
All LG Series Smokers use the “Arched Flame Broiler” system that channels any
excess grease, that does not evaporate, directly to a sealed grease catch area. From
here any excess grease is directed to the drop spout where it is disposed in, an easy to
clean or replace, metal tray.
Allow the grease to cool before removing the drawer.
Line the grease drawer with foil or a thin layer of sand to aid in maintenance.
Hopper Screen
All LG Series use a metal screen, mounted inside the hopper, to protect fingers,
clothing or other objects from coming in contact with the moving metal auger. This
screen can not be removed unless directed by Dansons Customer Service or
authorized service personal, to perform service work.
Allows electricity to flow to all the electrical components for 20 minutes. This is a software set program that will
automatically start the combustion/cooling fan, the igniter and the feed system at a preset rate, until the grill probe reaches
a temperature of 150°F. Once met, the igniter will shut off and the feed rate is controlled by the control board..
If for any reason the 150°F is not reached in 20 minutes, the control will turn OFF and an ER-2 will display on the screen.
When finished “Savoring the Flavor”, simply push the OFF touch pad. The control will turn off only the feed system,
allowing the fan to continue to run not only to burn out the fuel, clean and efficiently, but also to cool down the grill. When
the grill probe reaches 130°F the control will shut off completely.
How the Board Works 101