Electrical Safety
Failure to follow the guidelines described in this section may result in electrical
shock or equipment damage.
Sensors should be connected to earth ground
All sensors should be connected to earth ground through their housing or connector cable
shielding. Sensors not grounded using the cable shield, should be mounted on an earth
grounded frame using electrically conductive hardware to ensure the housing of the sensor
is connected to earth ground. Use a multi-meter to check the continuity between the
sensor connector and earth ground to ensure a proper connection.
Minimize voltage potential between system ground and sensor ground
Care should be taken to minimize the voltage potential between system ground (ground
reference for I/O signals) and sensor ground. This voltage potential can be determined by
measuring the voltage between Analog_out- and system ground. The maximum
permissible voltage potential is 12 V but should be kept below 10 V to avoid damage to the
serial and encoder connections.
Use a suitable power supply
The power supply used with sensors should be an isolated supply with inrush current
protection or be able to handle a high capacitive load. Verify the voltage input
requirements for your sensor in the sensor's specifications.
Handling, Cleaning, and Maintenance
: Dirty or damaged sensor windows (emitter or camera) can affect accuracy. Use
caution when handling the sensor or cleaning the sensor's windows.
Keep sensor windows clean
Use dry, clean air to remove dust or other dirt particles. If dirt remains, clean the windows
carefully with a soft, lint-free cloth and non-streaking glass cleaner or isopropyl alcohol.
Ensure that no residue is left on the windows after cleaning.
Turn off lasers when not in use
LMI Technologies uses semiconductor lasers in Gocator sensors. To maximize the lifespan
of the sensor, turn off the laser when not in use.
Gocator Legal for Trade User Manual