8. Application
To achieve optimum therapeutic success, please
observe the following:
To keep reflection losses as small as possible,
the skin must be free of grease and the laser
shower PowerTwin21 must be applied vertically
to the skin
A general rule that applies to all treatments is the principle of gradually
increasing the dosage. Initial treatments should last no longer than 2 minutes.
Maximum treatment time per patient is 15 min. After 15 min. irridation, the
unit turns off automatically.
When doing laser treatments are done in CW-Mode in quick sucession (only
short pauses), rising temperature of the laser diodes take place. Reaching an
internal temperature of <55° the mode is switched automatically to multi-
frequency mode. The temperature symbol on the display will inform you.
When doing continuous laser treatments in CW mode at maximum output, or
treatments close together, the internal temperature may increase above 60°C.
The device will then switch off automatically. This will be indicated in the display
by “temperature auto off”. The device can only be switched on again, after the
diodes were able to cool down.
Move the laser shower PowerTwin21 slowly and evenly across the surface
of the skin. The distance between the laser shower PowerTwin21 and the skin
should be a few mm.
Do not activate the unit until you are in treatment position.
Apply ointments, lotions and creams only after a laser treatment.
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When no laser application is taking place, the unit turns “OFF”
automatically if it is not operated for a continuous period of ≥10 minutes