Pre-Cut Value Gable Shed/Value Workshop Shed
ASSemBly InStruCtIOn mAnuAl
Assembly Instruction manual
© 2020 Little Cottage Co.
*PleASe nOte: A 10’X14’ WOrKSHOP SHeD WAS uSeD FOr PICtureS SHOWn - yOur lAyOut mAy VAry*
Make sure the trusses are 24” on center before
fastening sheeting.
. Next install the drip edge as shown (drip edge not
included - see kit packing list for amount of shingles you
will need to purchase).
Continue with drip edge.
Use the tin snips to cut drip edge so it will bend.
Installing Shingles: (Shingles not included - see
kit packing list for amount of shingles you will need to
purchase). Snap a chalk line along the roof sheeting
consistent with the width of the shingle starter strip.
Consult the instructions provided with your shingle
package. Install the first starter strip along the chalk line
as shown.