G lossary
Indicates the num ber of scanning lines and scanning form at of an
im age signal.
480i indicates 480 scanning lines w ith interlace form at, and 480p
indicates 480 scanning lines w ith progressive form at.
A spect ratio
Aspect ratio refers to the length to height ratio of TV screens. The
ratio of a standard TV is 4:3, w hile the ratio of a high-definition or
w ide TV is 16:9. The letter box allow s you to enjoy a picture w ith a
w ider
B itstream
The digital form of m ulti-channel audio data (e.g., 5.1-channel)
before it is decoded into its various channels.
C hapter / Title
C hapter is the sm allest division and title is the largest division on a
A chapter is a division of a title and sim ilar to a track
for Video C D or Audio C D .
C om ponent video
Video signals w ith three channels of separate inform ation that
m akes up the picture. There are som e types of com ponent video,
such as R /G /B and Y/C b(Pb)/C r(Pr).
C om posite video
A single video signal com m only used in m ost consum er video
products that contains all lum inance, color, and synchronization
inform ation.
D olby D igital®
A six-channel system consisting of left, center, right, left rear, right
rear and LFE (Low -Frequency Effect channel, for use w ith a sub-
w oofer) channels. It requires a D olby D igital® decoder, either in the
player or in an external receiver to regenerate the sound. All
processing is done in the digital dom ain.
N ot all D olby D igital discs contain six (5.1) channels of inform ation.
D TS® (D igital Theater System s)
D TS® stands for D igital Theater System s. D TS® is a D igital
Surround audio encoding form at configured w ith six (5.1) channels,
sim ilar to D olby D igital® . It requires a D TS® decoder, either in the
player or in an external receiver to regenerate the sound. All
processing is done in the digital dom ain.
N ot all D TS discs contain six (5.1) channels of inform ation.
D VD -R is a recordable disc that is the sam e size as a D VD -Video.
C ontents can be recorded only once to a D VD -R ,and w ill have the
sam e form at as a D VD -Video.
D VD -R W is a recordable and rew ritable disc that is the sam e size
as a D VD -Video. D VD -R W has tw o different m odes: VR m ode and
Video m ode.D VD created in video m ode has the sam e form at as a
D VD -Video ,w hile discs created in VR (Video R ecording)m ode allow
the contents to be program m ed or edited
D VD +R is a recordable disc that is the sam e size as a D VD -Video.
C ontents can be recorded only once to a D VD +R ,and w ill have the
sam e form at as a D VD -Video.
D VD +R W is a recordable and rew ritable disc. D VD +R W use a
recording form at that is com parable to a D VD -Video form at.
Interlace output
N TSC , the video signal standard, has 480 interlaced (I) scan lines,
The Interlaced scanning system places lines of the second half of
the picture in-betw een lines of the first half of the picture.
A popular file form at for still im age com pression and storage.
JPEG stands for “Joint Photographic Experts G roup”. There are
three sub-types of the JPEG form at as follow s.
Baseline JPEG : used for digital cam eras, the w eb, etc.
Lossless JPEG : an old type, rarely used now .
Linear P C M audio
PC M stands for “Pulse C ode M odulation”. Linear PC M is the usual
m ethod for digitally encoding audio w ithout com pression, and is
used for the audio tracks on D VD VID EO discs, Audio C D s, etc.
M P 3
M P3 (M PEG 1 audio layer 3) is a com pressed audio file form at.
Files are recognized by their file extension “.m p3”or“.M P3”.
M PEG stands for “M oving Picture Experts G roup”. This is an
international standard for com pression of m oving im ages.
O n som e D VD s, digital audio has been com pressed and recorded
in this form at.
N TS C (N ational Television S ystem C om m ittee)
The initials stand for N ational Television Standards C om m ittee. This
is the com m ittee that established the standards for television
system s in the U nited States. The N TSC standard broadcasts 525
or 480 lines of resolution per second, and 30 fram es per second of
refresh rate, 60 H z field frequency. N TSC TV system is w idely
used in U SA, C anada, Latin Am erica and Taiw an etc.
PA L (Phase A lternation by Line)
PAL (Phase Alteration Line) is the color television broadcast
standard throughout the W estern Europe (except in France, w here
SEC AM is the standard), Australia, C hina, Singapore and M alaysia
etc. It has 625 lines of vertical resolution per second and 25 fram es
per second refresh rate, 50 H z field frequency.
Playback C ontrol. A special feature on a Video C D or Super VC D
that enables interactive use.
S -V ideo
A video signal w hich im proves picture quality over standard
com posite connections. U sed on Super VH S, D VD , high end TV
m onitors, etc.
SVC D , VC D ,
Audio C D discs use tracks to divide up the content of
a disc.
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