LiteOn LVW-5002 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2


Table of contents

G etting started

Accessories ..........................................................................1

Im portant safety instructions ...............................................2

W arnings, cautions and others ............................................3

D isk inform ation ..................................................................4

C ontrols and displays

R em ote control....................................................................5

Front panel connections ......................................................6

D isplay w indow ...................................................................6

R ear panel connections ......................................................7

C onnecting up

C onnecting the antenna cable and television ....................8

For better picture .................................................................9

C om ponent  out.........................................................9

S-Video out...............................................................9

For better sound ................................................................10

C onnection to a stereo audio am plifier or receiver......10

C onnection to a digital audio device ..........................10

D igital out optical.....................................................10

D igital out coaxial....................................................10

C onnecting a satellite box .................................................11

Q uick setup

Initial setup ........................................................................12

A spect ratio ........................................................................12

Video outptut.....................................................................12

A udio


TV channel setup

A utom atic TV channel search ...........................................13

A dding or deleting TV channel m anually .........................13

Fine tuning TV channel m anually.....................................13

Sw apping TV channel m anually (follow ing TV)...............13

C hannel Editing .................................................................14

Setting up the V C R Plus+


 system ..................................15

R ecording

B efore recording ...............................................................16

R ecording television program s .........................................16

A dding new  recordings .....................................................17

C hanging chapter intervals ...............................................17

Playback w ith the D VD  m enu ...........................................17

R ecording from  a VC R  or V8 / H i8 / D V .............................18

The front panel and rear panel connection .................18

D V recording .....................................................................19

U se “Easy G uider”to record D V signal......................19

“O ne touch record” to record the D V signal.....................20

D V control..........................................................................20

R ecord on C D -R /C D -R W  discs ............................................21

C reate a correct disc form at.....................................21


recording ...............................................21

Audio C D  recording ..................................................21

Tim er recording

Setting the tim er................................................................22

R ecording TV program s w ith V C R Plus+


 system .............23


B asic playback ..................................................................24

PO W ER , O PEN /C LO SE, PLAY,F.F., R EW . ...........24


PR EVIO U S ...................................................24

PAU SE/STEP, STO P, D ISPLAY ..............................24

TO P M EN U , M EN U .................................................24

N avigation operation .........................................................25

SLO W , SEAR C H ....................................................25

A-B R EPEAT,SU BTITLE ..........................................25

AU D IO , 

AN G LE .......................................................25

INFO RM ATIO N ........................................................25

JPEG /M P3 file and A udio C D  playback

JPEG  file playback ............................................................26

M P3 file playback ..............................................................26

A udio C D  playback ............................................................26

Slide show



D VD  m enu and Edit m enu .................................................27

N am ing a title ..................................................................27

Protecting a title ................................................................27

O verw rite a title .................................................................27

Erasing a title


Easy G uider

Playback ............................................................................28

R ecord on D VD ..................................................................28

R ecord on C D -R /C D -R W .....................................................29

VC D /SVC D /Audio C D  recording ...............................29



Finalize ..............................................................................30

G U I operation

Firm w are update

G lossary


Troubleshooting G uide


Please check and identify the supplied accessories.



R em ote control


1x AC Pow ercord



B atteries

All manuals and user guides at

Содержание LVW-5002

Страница 1: ...User s Manual User s Manual All manuals and user guides at all guides com a l l g u i d e s c o m...

Страница 2: f r om a VCR orV8 Hi 8 DV 18 Thef r ontpanelandr earpanelconnect i on 18 DV r ecor di ng 19 Use EasyG ui der t o r ecor d DV si gnal 19 O ne t ouch r ecor d t o r ecor d t he DV si gnal 20 DV cont...

Страница 3: ence r ecept acl es and t he poi ntwher e t heyexi tf r om t he pr oduct 16 O ut doorAnt enna G r oundi ng I fan out si de ant enna or cabl e syst em i sconnect ed t o t he pr oduct be sur e t he a...

Страница 4: aybe of suf f i ci entm agni t ude t o const i t ut e a r i skof el ect r i cshockt o hum ans The excl am at i on poi ntwi t hi n an equi l at er alt r i angl e i si nt ended t o al er tt he usert...

Страница 5: ...i tcan pl aybackDVD VI DEO di scscom pat i bl e wi t h t he r egi on code i spr i nt ed on t he r earoft he uni t Exam pl es ofpl ayabl e DVD VI DEO di scs N otes Audi o Syst em Dol by Di gi t al Li n...

Страница 6: ...t on ENTER 16 Navi gat i on but t on NAVI 17 Next Pr evi ousbut t on NEXT PREVI O US 18 St op but t on STO P 19 Edi tbut t on EDI T 20 Ti m erbut t on TI M ER Rem ot e Cont r ol To i nst al lbat t er...

Страница 7: i ndi cators 12 M ul ti i nf orm ati on w i ndow 13 Ti m er recordi ng m ode Nam es ofpar t s and cont r ol s 1 PO W ER O N O FF Tur nst her ecor deronandof f 2 D I SC TRAY To accepta di sc 3 D I S...

Страница 8: ...I O L R Jacks Com posi t e si gnali nput 4 COM PONENT VI DEO OUTPUT Y Pb Pr Jacks Com ponentsi gnalout put 5 LI NE OUT VI DEO AUDI O L R Jacks Com posi t esi gnalout put 6 LI NE OUT S VI DEO Jack S Vi...

Страница 9: ...hi s uni tt o m al f unct i on 2 ForDi gi t alCabl e and Sat el l i t e TV user s pl ease connectyourdecoder s out putt o t hi s uni t s i nput Connect i ng t o t he ant enna out l etand t he t el ev...

Страница 10: ...i onsar e r equi r ed There are t w o t ypes ofconnect i ons S Vi deo and Com ponentvi deo t hatprovi de hi gherqual i t y vi ew i ng 2 Connect i ng t o a TV vi a CO M PO NENT out Connect i ng t o a T...

Страница 11: ...yDi gi t aland DTS decoder st o enj oy sur r ound sound Di gi t aloutopt i cal Use a f i ber opt i c cabl e notsuppl i ed t o connectt he DI G I TAL OUT O PTI CAL di gi t alopt i calout put on t he DV...

Страница 12: ...ow t he st eps bel ow t o connectt he uni tt o t he cabl e box and TV Connect i ng t o a sat el l i t e box ora cabl e box w i t h CO M PO SI TE j acks Use AUDI O VI DEO cabl est o connectt he AUDI O...

Страница 13: ...t o sui tyour t el evi si on I fyou have a r egul ar4 3 t el evi si on you can al so sel ecthow vi deo on som e di scs i spr esent ed 4 3 Let t erBox sel ectwhen you connectt he uni tt o a nor m al 4...

Страница 14: ...Add Del et e and pr ess ENTER t o br i ng up t he add del et e m enu 4 Pr ess W X S T t o sel ectt he channel s t hatyou w antt o add ordel et e and pr ess ENTER t o conf i r m i t M ove t he cur sor...

Страница 15: ...el ectone oft he TV Channel and press X 2 Press S T t o sel ect Sw ap w i t h and press ENTER 3 Press W X S T t o ent ert he Channel num ber and t hen press ENTER t o sw ap The or deroft he channel s...

Страница 16: ...3 Press S T t o sel ect VCR Pl us i con and press ENTER The di spl ayf orent er i ng a G ui de ChannelNum ber G CN num ber appear s 4 Press W X S T t o ent ert he G ui de ChannelNum ber G CN num ber...

Страница 17: ...RD i tm ayt ake a f ew m om ent st o i ni t i al i ze Bef or e r ecor di ng LVW 5002DVD Recor derr ecor dsonbot hDVD R andDVD RW di scs Pl ease use qual i f i ed r ecor dabl e DVD R RW di scst o ensur...

Страница 18: ...qui pm ent you wi l lneed t o f i nal i ze t he di sc Addi ng new r ecor di ngs af t erot herr ecor di ng sessi ons Pr ess RECO RD t o st ar tr ecor di ng and pr ess STO P att he poi ntyou w antt o st...

Страница 19: ...r earpanelconnect i on Connecta Vi deo Casset t e Recor derorCam cor dert o t he uni t s i nputt er m i nal s To st ar tr ecor di ng 1 Pr ess SETUP t o sel ect RECO RD t o sett he r ecor di ng m ode...

Страница 20: ...ces ata t i m e t o t he f r ontpanelconnect oroft hi sDVD Recor der 4 Pow eron t he DV Cam cor der St ar t Pl ayback m ode on t he DV Cam cor der 5 Pause t he DV Cam cor derw her e you w antt o r eco...

Страница 21: ...t hi suni tal l owsbasi c DV cont r olon DVD Recor derRem ot e cont r ol 1 Pow eron yourTV and t hi s DVD Recor der 2 Pl ace a r ecor dabl e DVD di sc i n t he t r ay M ake sur e t he di sc s l abeli...

Страница 22: ...s 1 Youcan tper f or m anyr ecor di ngbef or eyout heCD R CD RW di sci spr epar ed 2 O nl ysi ngl e f or m ati sal l owed on a si ngl e di sc 3 Youcan tchange t he f or m atofCD R di scaf t ert he di...

Страница 23: ...V1 Fr ont AV2 Rear S Vi deo DV 10 Pr ess W X t o sel ect Q ual i t y and t hen pr ess ENTER t o sett he Recor di ng qual i t y LVW 5002 m odelonl y M ode HQ SP LP EP SLP LVW 5006 m odelonl y M ode HQ...

Страница 24: ...X t o sel ectTV as t he recordi ng source TV AV1 Fr ont AV2 Rear S Vi deo DV Ti m err ecor d 9 Press W X t o sel ect Q ual i t y and t hen press ENTER t o sett he Recordi ng qual i t y LVW 5002 m odel...

Страница 25: ...d Vi deo CDsf r am e by f r am e dur i ng pl aybacki n pause m ode Pr ess PLAY t o r est ar tnor m alpl ayback Pr ess STO P t o st op pl ayback DVD VCD SVCD vi deo di sc pl ayback Bef or e you can st...

Страница 26: ...g t o r epeata desi r ed par t REPEAT Sel ect Poi ntA att he begi nni ng oft he par tyou wantt o r epeat Sel ect Poi ntB att he end oft he par tyou wantt o r epeat The uni tl ocat es A and st ar t sr...

Страница 27: ...n pl ayi ng f r om a sel ect ed t r ack Sl i deshow Concur r entpl ay JPEG and M P3 f i l es on t he sam e di sc 1 Pl ace t he di sc on t he t r ay The di scwi l lbegi n pl aybackaut om at i cal l y 2...

Страница 28: ...t i on i snotappl i cabl e t o a f i nal i zed DVD R di sc Over w r i t i ng a t i t l e DVD R RW R RW di scs onl y 1 Pr ess S T t o sel ect O ver w r i t e and t hen pr ess ENTER 2 Pr ess W X t o sel...

Страница 29: ...ctt he Si gnal I nput TV AV1 Fr ont AV2 Rear S Vi deo DV and pr ess ENTER I fyou sel ect TV pr ess S T t o sel ectt he channelyou wantt o r ecor dandpr ess ENTER 4 Pr ess S T t o sel ectt he r ecor di...

Страница 30: ...enu 2 Pr ess S T t o sel ectt he Recor d i con and t hen pr ess ENTER 3 Pr ess S T t o sel ectt he si gnal i nput TV AV1 Fr ont AV2 Rear S Vi deo DV and pr ess ENTER I fyou sel ect TV pr ess S T t o s...

Страница 31: ...nal i zi ng i snecessar ywhen you pl aydi scsr ecor ded wi t h t hi suni t on ot herDVD pl ayerorPC You m ustf i nal i ze t he DVD R di scbef or e i tcan be pl aybackon ot herDVD pl ayer s LVW 5006 m...

Страница 32: ...he vi deo out putconnect i on Recor d Recor d Q ual i t y Sett he def aul tqual i t yofr ecor di ng HQ 1hr SP 2hr s LP 3hr s EP 4hr s SLP 6hr s Def aul t SP Chapt erM ar k Sett he i nt er valofchapt...

Страница 33: e or Sw ap Sel ectt o st ar tr escani ng channeloradd del et e a channel ort o swap t he TV channel Fi ne 24 1 0 1 24 Sel ectt o f i ne t une t he channelf r equencym anual l y Fi r m war eupdat e...

Страница 34: ...ode al l ow t he cont ent st o be pr ogr am m ed oredi t ed DVD R DVD R i sa r ecor dabl e di sct hati st he sam e si ze asa DVD Vi deo Cont ent scan be r ecor ded onl yonce t o a DVD R and wi l lhave...

Страница 35: posi t eO ut put 1 Vp p 75 Ohm S Vi deoOut put Y 1 Vp p 75 O hm C 0 286 Vp p 75 O hm Com ponent sOut put Y 1 Vp p 75 O hm PB 0 7 Vp p 75 O hm PR 0 7 Vp p 75 O hm AUDI O RECORDI NG FORM AT DVD VR HQ...

Страница 36: ...2 pi xel s Ver t i calResol ut i on 480 l i nes 576 l i nes VCD Hor i z Resol ut i on 352 pi xel s 352 pi xel s Ver t i calResol ut i on 240 l i nes 288 l i nes VI DEO PERFORM ANCE DA Conver t er 10 b...

Страница 37: ...i zed Som e pl ayer swi l lnotpl ayr ecor dabl eDVD di scswhen r ecor dedi nvi deom odeandf i nal i zed Di scsr ecor ded wi t h copy once m at er i alcannotbe pl ayed on non CPRM com pat i bl epl aye...
