LPW / LPWs / LPWX enGIne oPeRAtoRs' HAnDBooK
4.1 FUeL sPeCIFICAtIon
The engine must be used only with
diesel fuel oil that conforms to one of
the following:
• BS 2869:1988 Class A2;
• BS EN590:1995 Class A1;
• USA Specifi cation ASTM D-975-77
Grades 1-D and 2-D;
• BSMA 100 Class M1 for marine use.
The fuel must be a distillate and not a
residual oil or blend.
Vaporising oils are not suitable as fuels
for Lister Petter engines.
4.1.1 LPWs Bio
LPWS Bio is a specially developed
engine range that will run on B100
(100% biofuel) as well as on those fuels
specifi ed above.
Although the engines may operate
on fuels outside the above
specifi cations, such operation may
result in excessive wear and damage.
It is of the utmost importance to
keep fuel free from water and other
contaminants. the fuel injection
equipment is manufactured to very
accurate limits, and the smallest
particle of dirt will destroy its
effi ciency.
4.2 oIL sPeCIFICAtIon
To assist running-in, all engines are
despatched with an initial fi ll lubricating
oil which must be changed, with the
fi lter, after the fi rst 100 hours.
All subsequent oil changes must be as
specifi ed in
5. Routine Maintenance
• The temperatures cited in
are the ambient temperatures at
the time when the engine is started
2.2 Combustion Air
). If monograde
oils are used and running ambient
temperatures are signifi cantly higher
than starting temperatures, a higher
viscosity oil should be selected, subject
to satisfactory starting performance.
Multi grade oils may be used to
overcome the problem.
• Where ambient temperatures
are variable and it is not practical to
continually change oils accordingly, a
suitable multigrade oil is recommended
to ensure adequate starting performance
at the lowest temperature likely to be
• The engines must be run on heavy-
duty lubricating oils. Straight mineral
oils are not suitable, neither are oils of
less detergency than specifi ed.
CI oils must be used in all engines.
• For engines in long-running
installations Lister Petter should be
oil Viscosity
Figure 4.3
shows the recommended
oil viscosity ranges for various °C
ambient temperatures from cold start
to maximum running.
Non-synthetic oils at very low
temperatures will suffer from wax
crystallisation, so synthetic oils are
recommended for these conditions.
SAE 5W-20 oils are recommended on
the basis that they are fully synthetic
and are technically suitable for use up
to 25°C (77°F). (Monograde SAE 5W is
not normally available as a synthetic oil
therefore does not appear in the chart).
SAE 30 and 10W-30 oils may be used at
up to 52°C (126°F), but oil consumption
may be affected. 10W-40, 15W-40 and
4. enGIne FLUIDs