LPW / LPWs / LPWX enGIne oPeRAtoRs' HAnDBooK
engineer, intended to be used on the
warrantable Lister Petter engine.
• Evidence will be required of engine
hours run and should be entered in
7. Maintenance Record.
of equipment used to record engine
hours may be requested in the event
of a warranty claim. If no hour recorder
is fi tted, twelve hours per calendar day
will be used as a basis for the hours-run
• The installation should be
in accordance with data supplied
by the Lister Petter Applications
• Long term light load and cold engine
running will invalidate the warranty.
8.4 LIMItAtIons oF WARRAntY
• The seller does not accept
responsibility for any business costs
or other losses which may result from
the warrantable failure.
• The seller is not responsible for
failures resulting from misapplication,
abuse or neglect, including: operating
with inadequate cooling; the use of
non-approved or contaminated fuels
Engine Serial Number: .........................................................................................
Purchased from: ..................................................................................................
Purchase Date: ......................................................................................................
Date Registered with Lister Petter: ........................................................................
Plant Type: .............................................................................................................
Plant Number:........................................................................................................
or lubricants; lack of, or incorrect,
maintenance; incorrect repair; improper
storage; incorrect starting, stopping or
operating procedures; the use of non-
approved parts; fair wear and tear; and
serviceable items (see note 1).
8.5 PURCHAse AnD
ReGIstRAtIon DetAILs oF
YoUR enGIne
Please fi ll in the section below with your
purchase and registration details. This
information will be required in the case
of a claim under warranty.
8.6 RePAIRs UnDeR
• Lister Petter must be contacted
and authorisation given before any
warrantable work is commenced.
8.7 ContACtInG LIsteR PetteR
Lister Petter Limited,
Dursley GL11 4HS, England
Telephone: +44 (0)1453 546732
Website: www.lister-petter.co.uk