Operating instructions T80PL 2010 13/21 (01/2010)
Automatic platform
In the case of the automatic platform the base folds up and down electrically and
the safety barriers raise and lower electrically. This is performed by means of an
UP or DOWN command issued from a station (
see also paragraph 4.5
), or via the
internal controller in the case of special version 2. The control button must be
pressed and held (so-called jogging mode) until the folding procedure is complete.
If a malfunction should occur during the folding procedure, then the platform is to
be folded up or opened manually (
see paragraph 4.5.2
) and customer service
Manual platform
The folding procedure at a step can/may only be carried out by an attendant.
In order to fold up the platform by hand, proceed as follows (as shown below):
a) Place the safety barriers in the horizontal position.
b) Fold up the base of the platform.
c) Lower the safety barriers so that they rest against the base of the platform.
The respective barrier on the downhill side is implemented correspondingly longer
in order to enable safe operation.
Proceed in the reverse order to open the platform again and finally raise the safety
barrier at the desired access point right up to the top (vertical).