User Guide for the Cisco Multicast Manager 2.3.3
Chapter 1 Using the Cisco Multicast Manager
Using the Administration Tool
Figure 1-10
Get All Configs
This process may take some time, depending on the number of routers in the current domain.
Validating Router Configurations
Using the CMM, you can verify if IOS commands exist on a router, either globally, or on a single
interface. Router configurations for a domain are verified against a template. Several sample templates
are included with the application, or you can create a user-defined template, which must be a text (.txt)
file containing a list of IOS commands to check. For example, to check for global commands, start the
text file with the word “global.” To check interface commands as well, add the word “interface” and so
on. You can check for global and interface at the same time, as in the example:
service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone
service password-encryption
no logging console
no ip source-route
ip subnet zero
ip classless
ip pim-sparse-mode