User Guide for the Cisco Multicast Manager 2.3.3
Chapter 1 Using the Cisco Multicast Manager
Linux Installation Instructions
If you are installing from the tar file, create a tmp directory and place the tar file in the directory:
# cd /tmp
# mkdir rms
# cd rms
# gunzip -c mmt-linux-2.1-X-full.tar.gz | tar xvf -
# ./setup.sh
You should then be able to start and stop the server by entering:
The default login is admin/rmsmmt.
The K98mmt script will stop the apache server and the polling daemon.
The S98mmt script will only start the apache server. You will have to manually start the polling daemon
through the application if desired.
During installation, the K98mmt script is installed in the
This will ensure that the polling daemon shuts down properly upon system reboot.
The server is configured by default to run on port 8080. If you want to change the port, edit the following
Output from a sample installation:
#=====[ Sample Installation ]=====#
root@ganymede/export/home/mike/mmtinstall-> ./setup.sh
Installing Cisco Multicast Manager Version 2.3
Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The application installs in /usr/local/netman. Do you wish to continue? [y/n]: y
Creating mmtuser gid...
Creating mmtuser uid...
Locking mmtuser account...
Installing Apache...
Installing Perl...
Installing MIBS...
Installing support files...
Installing K98mmt to /etc/rc0.d to ensure proper shutdown of application...
Would you like the S98mmt script installed in /etc/rc3.d to start the application upon
system boot? [y/n]: y
Seeding IP Address database with reserved Multicast Addresses...
Modifying httpd.conf file for this system...
Installation Finished.