Linksys EtherFast Series
4. Remove any instance of the name Linksys in the box. This includes
IPX/SPX…Linksys, NetBEUI…Linksys, and TCP/IP…Linksys. Also
remove Client for Microsoft Networks, Client for NetWare Networks, and
File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.
In some cases, removing one of these components may in turn automati-
cally remove other components as well. If this happens, skip ahead to step
5. For PCs with Dial-Up Networking and/or an AOL adapter, remove any
instance of the name Linksys, all IPX/SPX protocols, all NetBEUI, all
Clients, and File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. Do not
remove Dial-Up Adapter, AOL Adapter, TCP/IP-Compatible Protocol-
AOL Adapter or TCP/IP-Compatible Protocol-Dial-Up Adapter.
LNE100TX v4 test doc.qxd 3/22/00 4:14 PM Page 56