4.2 SCU (System Control Unit)
The SCU infl ates and defl ates the air mattress. It is connected to the air mattress with a custom-designed air connector. The
analogue electro-mechanical controlled (Air2Care 10) or microprocessor-controlled SCU (Air2Care 20) maintains the set pressure
regardless of the patient’s weight distribution or position. The SCU is equipped with an audio and/or visual alarm system to detect
power failures, air pipe disconnections or other faults.
Fig. SCU for Air2Care 10
Fig. SCU for Air2Care 20
The system control unit includes fi rmware that can be updated only by an authorised service technician.
This fi rmware is protected against unauthorised access by mechanical housing (tool is needed to access) and by exclu-
sive compatibility with an authorised software tool and specifi c cable.