Spot Trigger
The Spot Trigger may only be selected if the Spot Time has previously been set to a value other than 0.0 (OFF) and the Start and Crater
are both OFF.
Spot time causes the welding system to turn on for a fixed time, regardless if the trigger is held for a longer period of time. If the trig-
ger is released before the spot timer is complete, welding stops.
If the Spot Time is set to 0.0 (OFF), the left display will be blank and the right display will show “OFF”. The Spot Time LED from the
timer menu will blink twice. After 2.0 seconds,
the trigger menu cycles back to the Cold Feed
Trigger option.
If Start is not set to OFF, the left display will be
blank and the right display will show “On”. The
Start LED from the sequence menu will blink
twice. After 2.0 seconds, the trigger menu
cycles back to the Cold Feed Trigger option.
If Crater is not set to OFF, the left display will be
blank and the right display will show “On”. The
Crater LED from the sequence menu will blink
twice. After 2.0 seconds, the trigger menu
cycles back to the Cold Feed Trigger option.