LMS6002D Quick Starter Manual for Evaluation Board
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© Copyright Lime Microsystems
Rev: 2.2
Last modified: 03/05/2012
Appendix D - Common Receiver Test Issues
If there is no baseband signal output from the receiver there are a number of things to check.
Verify the PLL is locked.
The set up file provided with the test board should have the correct settings so that the
synthesizers lock at all available frequencies. This can be verified with a spectrum analyzer by
checking to see if the VCO LO leakage signal is on frequency and phase locked. Connect the
spectrum analyser to the evaluation board J12 connector. Set receiver input LNA2 and RxPLL
for 1950. The VCO leakage signal will be at 2 x LO frequency. Example: Frx=1951MHz the
VCO = 2x1951MHz = 3902 MHz.
However if the correct files have been used there is a chance the correct VCO capacitance in the
‘RX PLL + DSM’ page has not been selected. By observing the scope and changing the VCO
capacitance, it is possible to see if this is the problem.