LMS6002D Quick Starter Manual for Evaluation Board
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P a g e
© Copyright Lime Microsystems
Rev: 2.2
Last modified: 03/05/2012
The wanted signal can be seen at 1MHz offset
from the selected RF frequency (2140MHz),
In this case at a level of approx -16dBm.
The unwanted (lower) sideband can be seen at
-1MHz offset, with no correction is at a level
of -45dBm (29dBc)
– the 3
order product at LO-3*1MHz
can be seen also.
performance of the system depends upon
the phase and gain match of the I and Q paths. This includes the test equipment, cables and of
course the LMS6002D transmit path. The closer in length the cables between the signal
generator and the test board are the better.
The phase match also depends on the accuracy of the sin/cosine split on the LO of the IQ
modulator (inside the LMS6002D), the bulk of the phase correction is for this parameter – hence,
amplitude mismatch will vary little with frequency, however phase mismatch may be quite
different for each band.
The result of the phase angle calibration can be seen below.
The result of the phase angle calibration is
The unwanted sideband has been reduced
to -60dBm (-44dBc).
The optimum value found in this case was
4.1 deg.
Figure 71 Phase angle calibration
Figure 70 Initial -1 MHz Image Spectrum