LMS6002D Quick Starter Manual for Evaluation Board
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P a g e
© Copyright Lime Microsystems
Rev: 2.2
Last modified: 03/05/2012
In this case the LO dropped after automatic
calibration to -53dBm as shown in Figure 67.
Note. Automatic calibration is intended to make
the DC zero at the output of the LPF, this is not
the same as cancelling the LO, it just makes the
DC contribution from the IQ chain as low as
It may be the case that the level will go up after
automatic calibration – do not worry if it does,
this is due to the default values on power up
cancelling the LO at the selected frequency.
Figure 67 Transmit Output After Calibration
Select the ‘Tx RF’ page in the SPI software.
Figure 68 Tx RF window
The LO cancellation DACs level is in the boxes marked’ ‘LO Leakage DAC I Out’ and ‘LO
Leakage DAC Q Out’. The entry mechanism is different to the LPF DC offset and easier to tune.