Let's assume that the resolution of the connected encoder is 12 x 13 bits (4096
cpr x 8192 revolutions), that is 25 bits = 33554432 information. In this case we
must set the following values:
= 0 = -10V … +10V
= 16777216
= 33554432
= 1 = 0V … +10V
= 33554432
= 2 = 4mA … 20mA
= 33554432
= 3 = 0mA … 20mA
= 33554432
Round Loop
As a general rule, this setting should be set to 00000. Any other settings will
replace the real encoder position with a repeating cycle count.
When we set this register to 2048, the internal position register will only move
in a range between 0 and 2047. When we exceed the lower limit zero with
reverse direction, again 2047 will appear. When we exceed the upper limit 2047
with forward direction, we restart at 0 again.
The zero position of the round loop counter can be set in the register
which allows settings ranging between 0 and the
allows to set the counting direction of the round loop counter (0 =
up, 1 = down).
Within this new definition of a round loop range, you are free to set the zero
and full scale thresholds of your analogue output again by means of
MAN IF51 I_E 1.1.odt
10 - Parameter settings
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