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Copyright © 2018 LG Electronics Inc. All rights reserved.
Only training and service purposes.
Do not use a defective or underrated circuit breaker. Use the correctly rated
breaker and fuse. Otherwise there is a risk of fire or electric shock.
Install the panel and the cover of control box securely. Otherwise there is risk of
fire or electric shock due to dust, water etc.
Do not touch, operate, or repaire the product with wet hands. Hoding the plug by
hand when taking out. Otherwise there is risk of electric shock or fire.
Use a vacuum pump or Inert (nitrogen) gas when doing leakage test or air purge.
Do not compress air or Oxygen and Do not use Flammable gases. Otherwise, it
may cause fire or explosion.
- There is the risk of death, injury, fire or explosion.
Do not turn on the breaker or power under condition that front panel, cabinet, top
cover, control box cover are removed or opened.
Otherwise, it may cause fire, electric shock, explosion or death.
The appliance shall be stored so as to prevent mechanical damage from occurring
Any person who is involved with working on or breaking into a refrigerant circuit
should hold a current valid certificate from an industry-accredited assessment
authority, which authorises their competence to handle refrigerants safely in
accordance with an industry recognised assessment specification.
Servicing shall only be performed as recommended by the equipment
manufacturer. Maintenance and repair requiring the assistance of other skilled
personnel shall be carried out under the supervision of the person competent in
the use of flammable refrigerants.
Keep any required ventilation openings clear of obstruction
• Refrigerant tubing shall be protected or enclosed to avoid damage.
• The installation of pipe-work shall be kept to a minimum
• When flared joints are reused indoors, the flare part shall be re-fabricated.
• When mechanical connectors are reused indoors, sealing parts shall be renewed.